National Chiropractic month

October is National Chiropractic month and here at All Health Chiropractic, we are looking forward to sharing this year’s theme “Move 4 Life” with all of our clients.  As Americans, more and more of us are leading a sedentary lifestyle with just over half of adults nationally –  51.7% – meeting the National Physical Activity Guidelines for aerobic activity.  According to the American Chiropractic Association, “movement is vitally important to overall health.”

There are countless benefits to adopting an active lifestyle.  It lowers your risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes and some cancers.  It also strengthens your musculoskeletal system which can reduce back pain and can help reduce the risk of falls and other injuries.

National Chiropractic month

Changing your exercising habits can seem overwhelming, but we suggest you start small.  Invest in a fitness tracker to track your fitness goals.  Take your dog for a short walk after dinner or park the car a little farther away from the store.  Introduce some easy stretches to loosen up your muscles and use light weights to begin strengthening your muscles.  As you build your stamina, you may gradually increase both the time and the intensity of your workouts, creating a balanced routine of cardiovascular exercise and strength training.

As your abilities increase, find ways to change it up.  Exercising with a friend or trying a new form of exercise can keep you from getting bored.  Set obtainable goals and celebrate when you reach them.

Visits to your Chiropractor can help you stay active as well.  Regular adjustments can help ease pain that could keep you from exercising.  They can also suggest stretches and floor exercises that can help keep you flexible and pain free as you continue toward your fitness goals.

Following these simple steps, we are certain you will enjoy all the benefits of moving towards a happier and healthier future!

For more tips and info, visit our website or call 216-455-5906. Also like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram where we share great information each day with our online community.


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